According to the Mayo Clinic oatmeal, is the first of the top 5 foods to lower your cholesterol because of its soluble fiber content. It also, encourages slow digestion and stabilizes blood-glucose levels, so you’ll feel fuller, longer. Pairing it with apple adds even more water soluble fiber and the chia seeds are a good vegan source of omega 3s fatty acids.
1 cup water
2/3 cup oats
2/3 cup unsweetened coconut milk
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 apple, cubed. I used Granny Smith Apple for this one.
1 teaspoon chia seeds
10 almonds unsalted
Raw honey (optional) if you are vegan or are trying to lose weight you can substitute with 1/2 – 1 teaspoon of stevia.
~Serves 2~
If you are using honey, raw is the best and this is how it should look like, dense and opaque, the light shouldn’t shine through.
Raw means that it hasn’t been heated and therefore all the natural vitamins and living enzymes and other nutritional elements are preserved. It is also a great alkaline-forming food.
A friend of us brought this honey as a gift from his citrus orchard that is nearby, its raw, unfiltered and it is delicious!
Let’s do it!
Boil the cup of water in a small saucepan, when the water is boiling, add the oats, stirring occasionally.
Turn the heat down to low and add the coconut milk and cinnamon, let simmer uncovered until desired texture, I like it very creamy.
Serve with the apple cubes, sprinkle some chia seeds and almonds on top and add a drizzle of raw honey. Enjoy!